Derek Martin
The Netherlands
Board of the SIAC association (president)
What do I do?
Since my Masters in Regional and Urban Planning at the University of Amsterdam I specialised in the cross-border and European dimensions of strategic planning both as a Dutch national civil servant and as a consultant and seconded national expert at the European Commission. I this role I was one of the pioneers of the development of the territorial aspects of EU policies at the beginning of the 90’s which has led to programmes such as ESPON and INTERREG within the broader framework of territorial cohesion. Since my retirement at the end of 2014, I am an international planning advisor and contributor to a number of EU and other (research) projects on different planning-related topics from land management to social innovation. I also tutor planning students with their English-language Masters thesis.
What am I interested in?
Having spent most of my career as a civil servant, my main experience and interest lie in the relationship between politics, governance, civil society and planning procedures.